Microsoft Copilot Studio - Creating Custom AI Copilots


In this article, we’re going to go over the ins and outs of Copilot Studio and how you can get started with your own AI copilot.

Artificial intelligence has risen to become one of the headline technologies of the 2020s. With the introduction of AI tools such as ChatGPT, it’s becoming more important than ever to look at how you can integrate AI into your organisation. Microsoft has been at the forefront of this revolution, empowering its Copilot assistant with GPT technology.

Copilot Studio is Microsoft’s newest tool, to help you create your own AI assistants to deploy within your business. Instead of using stock assistants, Copilot Studio empowers you to take advantage of a more personalised AI assistant, to take your AI to the next level.

What is Microsoft Copilot Studio?

Microsoft Copilot Studio is a tool that lets you create and customise AI assistants, which are known as copilots. They are made to help you throughout the Microsoft 365 ecosystems but are also commonly used to create online chatbots for customer service on websites.

Previously setting this up would require lots of technical knowledge, but Microsoft Copilot Studio is an easy-to-use graphical interface that requires no code knowledge to use. This means that no matter your technical skill, you can take advantage of the power of Microsoft Copilot Studio within your business.

Key features of Microsoft Copilot Studio:

·       Generative AI: Copilot Studio can use large language models (LLMs) to let you take advantage of highly customisable generative AI, so you can easily use natural language in a day-to-day setting with your assistant.

·       Customisation: Copilots are fully customisable, meaning that you can tailor yours to your organisation’s specific needs. By integrating your data and workflow, you can ensure that your Copilot can meet your demands and be best for your organisation.

·       Analytics: Copilot Studio has built-in analytics, that can help you track the performance of your copilots. This will help you leverage data to be able to better understand and improve your copilots, and their deployment within your organisation.

·       Low-code: As previously mentioned, Microsoft Copilot Studio is a low-code program, meaning that you can develop a copilot with ease. No technical knowledge is needed at all, even for more advanced copilots.

·       Integration: Microsoft Copilot Studio integrates with the rest of Microsoft 365, meaning that you can use it seamlessly within your organisation’s other 365 tools.

The Process of Creating an AI Copilot

1.       Creating your Copilot: The first step is using the conversational creation page to create your assistant. Doing this is as simple as typing what your Copilot should do into the Copilot box. There are also templates that you can use to make the process easier.

2.       Configuring your Copilot: Once you’ve created your copilot, you can configure your copilot on the configure page. You can create more in-depth triggers (questions/phrases inputted by the user)  and topics (specific decision trees)  here to further customise your copilot.

3.       Connecting Data: The next step is to connect to whatever data sources you want to connect to. This will let you use your own organisational data to empower your copilot, making it smarter. You can use your own website, Sharepoint, or other organisational data.

4.       Test and Publish: After configuring and connecting your data, you can then test your copilot within the built-in simulator to ensure that it works correctly. After refinement, you can eventually publish it, and you’ll have a functioning copilot. 

Industry Use Cases

Copilot Studio is a flexible tool that has a lot of different use cases in a lot of different industries. Here are some of the most common or best use cases for a custom copilot:

·       Customer Service: You can use Copilot Studio to make a customer service bot that can answer customer questions, such as product or account information enquiries, or suggest recommendations.

·       Education: Copilot Studio can be used for educational and training purposes, both from a student's and an educator's perspective. Students can use copilots to take quizzes, provide feedback, and learn more, whereas educators can use copilots to track performance and create more tailored ways of learning.

·       Marketing: With Copilot Studio, there are a lot of different ways that you can impact the marketing industry. AI excels at things like lead generation and content creation.

·       Finance: Copilot Studio lets you create highly customised finance copilots that can answer basic loan and investment questions, or help find detailed information about accounts, products, and other important financial information within your wider organisational data.

How To Get Started

With Microsoft Copilot Studio, you can create highly personalised and detailed bots that can truly take your business to the next level. Your copilot will be tailored to your needs, and be able to complete specific tasks that you set. All of this is so easy to do and requires no prior coding experience.

To get started with Copilot Studio or to learn more, get in contact with us today. We’ll be able to get you started and provide you with support on anything you need.

Isobel Mccaffrey