Is the cyber essentials scheme worth it?

Lots of companies in the UK are looking at obtaining the cyber essentials certification. It’s an amazing scheme, but why are people questioning whether it is worth it? Is it too expensive? Does it provide a return on investment? Is it the best fit for your business? The short answer is yes, it is worth it. But it’s not as simple as that.

What can the Cyber Essentials scheme offer your business?

From the outside looking in, the Cyber Essentials scheme shows your clients, prospects, and partners that you care about looking after your data. So much so, that you are willing to invest in your cyber security procedures. From the inside, you are also actively looking to protect your network against cyber threats where possible.

So, what does the Cyber Essentials scheme do for your network security? It gives a baseline of security to compare against, all the while telling you where you need to improve your cyber security. When you meet the criteria put forward, you have the essentials in place to be secure.

Not sure how to go forward with the Cyber Essentials scheme? One of our security experts will be happy to help you.

How does the Cyber Essentials scheme work?

There are 5 main elements the Cyber Essentials scheme looks at:

  • Boundary firewalls and default gateways

  • Secure configuration

  • Access control

  • Malware protection

  • Patch management

Now I know the terminology can put people off if you aren’t sure what it means. But that’s why having experts helping you through the process is important. The experts will understand not only what the terms mean, but also how to configure your network to meet the requirements of the scheme.

What is the benefit of having Cyber Essentials in place?

Everyone knows of the horror stories in the cyberworld. It’s a common occurrence in today’s world of online connections. But many aren’t aware of how vulnerable their business is! According to the Cyber Security Breaches Survey, 4 out of every 10 businesses reported having a cyber security breach or attack of some sort in the last 12 months (IN JUST 1 YEAR ALONE!).

But why would a cybercriminal want to attack me and my business? There are lots of different reasons behind the motive of these people. Money, data, business disruption, boredom are just a few to list. But you do not have to be alone in your battle against these people.

Having Cyber Essentials in place in your business can reduce the chance of an attack or breach by over 80%. Not bad right! And the best part is, you aren’t required to invest in the most expensive protection tools. The only requirement is keeping yourself in check against the UK security standards.

Would you rather keep aligned and have peace of mind over your businesses network? Or would you rather take that risk and have to contact clients to tell them you have been breached. Just think, all the trust you built throughout your relationship, gone in a flash. Do you think that’s worth the risk?

Now you know the benefits of the Cyber Essentials scheme, why not kickstart your journey to obtaining the certification! Get in touch with us today